The Chiefs

Our team of cavemen have a variety of backgrounds, but one heartbeat, seeing men set free by the grace of the Gospel. Whether on the mission field, construction a home, or riding a ladder truck on the way to put out a fire, we continue to see our daily need for the Grace of God to shape and mold us into the image of the ultimate mans man – Jesus.

It is through this pursuit that we endeavor to build up all men to reclaim the Glory that has been won for them in Christ alone.

Matt Wise

Daniel Phelan

Casey Jones

Casey Jones

Core Values

We seek to encourage C.A.V.E. qualities in all men. In order to do that, we believe we need to remove them from the safety of their current life and remind them why God made them, the role they play, who they are in Christ and how their own story plays into a much larger narrative that began millennia ago.

  • Courage to resist passivity and accept responsibility.
  • Action to go first and lead confidently.
  • Virtue to humble yourself before God and men.
  • Expectation to live a life hoping in the great reward.



